V-Ray 3.6.3 plugin and phoenix for Max 2013-2018

V-Ray 3.6.3 This plugin is one of the most practical plug-ins for Terry DX, which uses this software without the need to know a lot about how to operate the renderer engine, you can scan very interesting and beautiful rendering. With the installation of Vray, various elements and elements are added to Max’s environment. The Vray’s geometric objects, the materials and tissues in it, the camera, the shaders, and most importantly the rendering header, with its settings, allows you to control the kidneys. Provides the parameters of the scene. This collection comes with the latest version of the Phoenix Plugin for Max. Stay tuned with software


Latest version:Download Vray 3.6.3 and Phoneix 3.04.00 for Max 2013Download Vray 3.6.3 and Phoneix 3.04.00 for Max 2014Download Vray 3.6.3 and Phoneix 3.04.00 for Max 2015Download Vray 3.6.3 and Phoneix 3.04.00 for Max 2016Download Vray 3.6.3 and Phoneix 3.04.00 for Max 2017Download Vray 3.6.3 and Phoneix 3.04.00 for Max 2018

password : softsaaz.ir

다운로드  링크 : http://docs.tyflow.com/download/


Download :: tyFlow Documentation

Download tyFlow Beta The beta version of tyFlow is open to everyone. The purpose of the beta is to get feedback from users prior to the official release of tyFlow, in order to improve its core features and increase its overall stability. The beta version o



[Max 플러그인] Chaos Group V-Ray Next v4.1002 for 3ds Max 2013-2019 Win x64



V-Ray Next Scene Intelligence delivers faster ray tracing, cleaner sampling and more accurate rendering. That means you work smarter not harder  by automating steps that used to take up valuable time.






NEW  Powerful Scene Intelligence
Automatically analyzes your scene to optimize rendering so you get the best quality in less time.



Fast new GPU rendering architecture with support for more of your favorite high-end production features.



Instantly remove noise while rendering. Based on AI-accelerated denoising technology by NVIDIA.



Powerful GPU + CPU rendering
V-Ray GPU renders on CPUs as well as NVIDIA GPUs, to take full advantage of all available hardware.



Highly-optimized adaptive ray tracing
Render professional-quality, photorealistic images and animation with adaptive ray tracing technology.



Fully interactive production rendering.



V-Ray Denoiser
Automatically remove noise and cut render times by up to 50%.



Resumable Rendering
Stop your render at any point and pick up where you left off.





다운로드 : https://appnee.com/v-ray-for-3ds-max/


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KeyShot(키샷) + 포토샵  (0) 2019.03.23

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